Gigante Adormecido do Rio de Janeiro(Foto:Reprodução/Sandra Marques) |
boa noite e um ótimo fim de semana para todos, este post é para falar de uma
figura mitológica que está presente na rotina dos cariocas. Refiro-me a nosso
lendário gigante adormecido, quem passa pela Avenida das Américas ou outros
pontos da cidade, é inevitável não notar a grande formação rochosa que se
estende por 18 km, compreendendo sete bairros, começando na barra da tijuca indo
até a Urca. Onde a pedra da gávea representa a cabeça do gigante, notem a
incrível semelhança na imagem acima, e o pão de açúcar se assemelha aos pés do
gigante, já o corcovado... Bem... pasmem...seria o penis do gigante( parece
brincadeira mas é real, observem rs)
Hello, good evening and a great weekend for everyone, this post is to talk about a mythological figure that is present in the routine of Rio. I refer to our legendary giant asleep, passers by Avenue of the Americas and other parts of the city, it is inevitable not to notice the large rock formation that extends for 18 km, comprising seven districts, starting in Barra da Tijuca going to the Urca. Where the stone's nest is the head of the giant, note the striking resemblance in the picture above, and the sugar loaf resembles the giant's feet, as the Corcovado ... well ... amazingly ... would be the giant penis (it looks like a joke but it is real, watch rs)
Hello, good evening and a great weekend for everyone, this post is to talk about a mythological figure that is present in the routine of Rio. I refer to our legendary giant asleep, passers by Avenue of the Americas and other parts of the city, it is inevitable not to notice the large rock formation that extends for 18 km, comprising seven districts, starting in Barra da Tijuca going to the Urca. Where the stone's nest is the head of the giant, note the striking resemblance in the picture above, and the sugar loaf resembles the giant's feet, as the Corcovado ... well ... amazingly ... would be the giant penis (it looks like a joke but it is real, watch rs)
Imagem retirada da internet |
Bom, o fato é que nosso querido gigante, atrai a atenção de muitos estudiosos de diversas áreas, e todos tem sua teoria em relação ao nosso gigante,são historiadores, ufologistas,entusiastas, teóricos de conspiração...tem de tudo, alguns afirmam com certeza que a pedra da gávea é o túmulo de um Rei fenício, e outro afirma que é um portal para outra dimensão rs. Há pouco tempo uma empresa famosa por sua marca de whisky johnnie walker, lançou uma campanha onde o gigante acordava e andava em direção ao mar. Foi uma grante produção, onde envolveu mais de 400 profissionais de nacionalidades diferentes. Bom, mas o que está por trás desta superprodução?, segundo o presidente da empresa, o Brasil em três anos terá mais de 10 milhões de novos consumidores no segmento de luxo.
Well, the fact is that our dear giant, attracts the attention of many scholars from various fields, and everyone has their theory about our giant, are historians, ufologists, enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists ... have all, some claim sure that the stone's nest is the tomb of a Phoenician king, and another says it is a portal to another dimension rs. Not long ago a famous company for its Johnnie Walker whiskey brand, launched a campaign where the giant woke up and walked toward the sea. It was a gral production, which involved more than 400 different nationalities professionals. Well, but what is behind this overproduction ?, according to the president of the company, Brazil in three years will be over 10 million new customers in the luxury segment.
Well, the fact is that our dear giant, attracts the attention of many scholars from various fields, and everyone has their theory about our giant, are historians, ufologists, enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists ... have all, some claim sure that the stone's nest is the tomb of a Phoenician king, and another says it is a portal to another dimension rs. Not long ago a famous company for its Johnnie Walker whiskey brand, launched a campaign where the giant woke up and walked toward the sea. It was a gral production, which involved more than 400 different nationalities professionals. Well, but what is behind this overproduction ?, according to the president of the company, Brazil in three years will be over 10 million new customers in the luxury segment.
Imagem da campanha johnnie walker Para quem não viu o comercial, ou gostaria de rever, deixarei o link abaixo. For those who have not seen the commercial, or would like to review, let the link below |
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